In order to achieve the goals we set for in this life it is important to develop an ability to evaluate ourselves and our progress.

Self assessment begins with an evaluation of the present, the immediate, the here and now.

What are your present circumstances, what is your starting point of reference? Determine your strengths and weaknesses.

Try to develop a holistic perspective of yourself, observe your thoughts and reactions in various life situations. Observe your behaviour when confronted with obstacles and stressful circumstances. Step outside of your usual frame of reference and attempt to observe your emotions, actions and thought patterns from a detached perspective.

It is important to remain non-judgmental while evaluating and analyzing yourself.

The point is to engage in a journey of discovery. When you make an effort to be aware of your thoughts, words, actions and reactions you begin understand that there are more options available than the immediate ones. You begin to appreciate the numerous choices available in life and how you interact with it.

Question the type of person you are or have become. Ask:

What sort of person am I?

What does my outward personality say about the real me?

What am I like to live with?

Do my present choices in behaviour, words, clothing reflect who I truly am?

Do I listen well to the thoughts of others?

What is my perspective of the world?

How do my words and actions affect those around me?

Play the role of an impartial observer of your behaviour. Determine which aspects of yourself are not in tune with your real nature.

This process of self awareness will lead to important and perhaps unexpected discoveries, so be prepared to cope with hidden truths and to deal with aspects of your behaviours and thought patterns which may be difficult to confront. There may be moments of amazement when you say; wow this really is not who I am or who I want to be.

Employ a self assessment routine on regular basis, stay tuned in to the idea of making deliberate and conscious choices for your thoughts, words and actions and take steps to alter them if they are not appropriate to your true sense of self.

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Author: Jeffry PalmerArticle Source:

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