Excessive workplace stress causes a staggering 120,000 deaths and results in nearly €200 billion in health care costs each year.
This represents 5% to 8% of national health care spending, derived primarily from high demands at work (€50 billion) and work-family conflict (€25 billion).
These are some of the harmful health effects from excessive stress:
- Reduced ability to cope with future stress and increased anxiety and chronic depression;
- The onset of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD);
- Reduced immune system functioning;
- Increased inflammation and depression.
High on-the-job demands and insufficient resources contribute to stress.
In addition, an effort-rewards imbalance with perceptions of high effort and low compensation or recognition can also contribute to workplace stress.
Goals perceived as exceedingly difficult or unclear, rather than achievable challenges, are also factors in excessive stress, anger, and anxiety.
Try this survey to find out if you are at risk or are working in a stressful environment at work.
Micro managers, annoying co-workers and unrealistic objectives - just three
things known that make people stressed at work.
Is my workplace a stressful place?
It doesn't matter whether you're based in an office or a warehouse, being
unable to cope with the pressures at work can make your life unbearable.
Not only does it take its toll on you emotionally, it can leave you at higher
risk of a range of physical illnesses.
Stress in the workplace can lead to :
• Anxiety and chronic tension
• Agitation and fits of panic
• Aggression and short temper
• Mood swings and disorientation
• Negative self-talk
• Sleeping difficulties and constant fatigue
• Lack of energy
• Eating more (or less), drinking more (or less)
• Pessimism and despondency
• Lack of motivation
• Gradual withdrawal from society and friends
Take this test to evaluate if your workplace is causing you stress*.
* This Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical
advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of
something you have read on this or any other Website)